Ask for a pay-rise
Find a better paid job
Work more hours
Work more jobs
Improve your skills so you can get a "higher-grade" job
If only it were that simple, and that easy!
At a time when most of us are feeling the pinch, many are wondering how they are going to make ends meet and are running out of options, unsurprisingly the immediate question is how can I get more money? Looking at the 5 possibilities above - do you hear yourself saying:
1. Ask for a pay-rise: "I can't do that. I wouldn't know where to start. The business/organisation I work for can't afford it, they keep telling us how difficult it is at the moment to keep things going with all the rising costs"
2. Find a better paid job: " But what different job could I do. I wouldn't know where to start. There aren't any out there for someone like me"
3. Work more hours: "I'm already working extra hours. I'm struggling trying to find time for everything as it is. My kids hardly see me"
4. Work more jobs: "I'm not sure how I could do that. I'm exhausted as it is. My employer says I can't - it's in the contract."
5. Improve your skills so you can get a higher-grade job: "I don't have time for studying. I can't afford to do more qualifications. They want people who already have the experience not someone who has just finished learning something"
Negative thinking can often hijack us when we're under pressure. Our fight - flight stress response wants to make us aware of the potential downsides, why something won't work, to keep us safe. Effectively we have given ourselves permission to stay with what we know and not risk disappointment or have to do something we might not like/want/be able to do.
One way forward is to accept your immediate reaction and understand where it is coming from and then step into the mindset of "well, it's worth finding out a bit more, before I totally discount that idea"
5 ways to earn more.....
Decide that "earning more" is important enough to you to do some exploring
Come up with as many ideas as you can - try not to rationalise them at this point. You could challenge your partner/friends to see who can come up with the longest list and then share all your ideas and create one big list
Identify the top 3 ideas that appeal to you the most
Now, where can you find out more? who could help? how could you make that idea happen? Turn the answers to these questions into a plan - not only what you are going to do but when you are going to do it
Take action!
If you'd like to make earning more money a priority and want some help, I'm offering 1 hour "Earning More" strategy sessions. Focused 1:1 Zoom time with me when we explore your situation, your thinking and ideas. I'll offer suggestions and help, we'll create your "earning more plan" and look at how you can make it happen
Special Price £49 (usual price £75)
Limited appointments available