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What Next? That all important question

Faced with the need for change, whether foisted upon us by someone else, or that nagging feeling that won't go away, "what next?" is often the first question that comes to mind.

In fact for many of us it's not only when bigger changes are needed, every day we might say to ourselves "Ok, I've done that, what next?" or "I've messed that up, what happens next?" or "That went well, now what?" I'm sure you can think of more examples

You see that "what next" question shows itself in many different disguises. In many respects it's helpful - it focuses our mind on our next priority or to start considering options. However, it can also be deadly...

We are encouraged to think bigger, better, brighter to constantly be seeking the next right thing. This can put us under an enormous amount of pressure - to get things done, to make the right decision.

A business coach I once worked with, Karen Skidmore, told me "the power is in the pause" some great advice that I try to remind myself of, especially if I'm feeling overwhelmed by my to do list, confused or stuck.

By pausing, even if only for a minute or 2, this gives you the opportunity to feel into the moment, to remind yourself that this moment now is important:

"Don't put off living to next week, next month, next year.

The only time you are ever living is in this moment"

It can also help you move away from just considering the next thing and give you the space to embrace the bigger picture.

"What next?" is often driven by urgency, fear or expectations (our own, or given to us by others)

If you find yourself in that loop of thinking "what next?" Give yourself a break, breathe and then reconnect with the first question your "why?" Without your purpose, your "what next" could lead to precious time wasted and/or hamster wheel mentality.


If you'd like to find your "why?" please contact me. .I'd be delighted to help you



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