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5 ways to earn more....mmmm?
Ask for a pay-rise Find a better paid job Work more hours Work more jobs Improve your skills so you can get a "higher-grade" job If only...
1 min read
Is "What next" the right question?
I'm often asked "what should I do next?" especially when it comes to thinking about leaving a job. BUT, is this the right question.....
3 min read
I'd like to BUT......
I want to...BUT... Discover how to use the word but to your advantage and stop those excuses from holding you back
2 min read
What Next? That all important question
Faced with the need for change, whether foisted upon us by someone else, or that nagging feeling that won't go away, "what next?" is often..
2 min read
Happy New Blah Blah!
New Year Resolutions Blah Blah! Every social media post and advert seems to point to setting your goals for 2021 Make this year different
2 min read
The time for change is now but is procrastination stopping you?
"We can all find plenty of reasons not to take that rather risky and scary step into something new. But the longer we wait to act....
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