Unfortunately we are seeing an increase in the number of jobs being made redundant and will continue to do so over the coming months. Just because something is commonplace and "happening to everyone" doesn't mean it's any easier to deal with.
Redundancy can create some very real problems:
How am I going to keep a roof over my head?
What on earth will I do next?
My sector is being decimated, will I be able to get another job?
My age is against me, isn't it?
I really loved my job and now it's gone. I'm lost.
When we receive some upsetting or difficult news a part of our brain that is triggered by emotions, called the amygdala, wades in, in an attempt to keep us safe and protect us. At the same time our frontal lobes where the home of logic and reason sits tries to take charge. Depending on how strongly we feel, and how dangerous we perceive the threat, will determine which part of the brain overrules the other.
Not surprisingly when faced with thoughts driven by anxiety about money, security, confidence, and loss, our emotions can take over and our ability to make decisions and plan is reduced.
Bottling up emotions or ignoring them is not the answer though

As with any loss, you need time to grieve. The way you react to this situation is yours and yours alone.
Anger, confusion, fear, are typical responses....so too are excitement and overwhelm at the possibilities that may be out there.
You can feel like your'e exploding with all the "what if's" and "I can't do that, can I's?"
A simple activity you can do to start to help your frontal lobes take back a little control is to answer the following questions about the situation you find yourself in:
What are the losses that are happening that are negative? e.g. losing a steady income, etc.,
What are the losses that are happening that are positive? e.g. feeling undervalued, having to attend those boring meetings etc.,
Answer these questions with as many responses as you can. Don't censor them just write!
Once you're ready to start thinking about options e.g. get a new job, go self-employed, move into semi/full retirement (to name but a few), answer the following questions for each option that appeals:
What could be the positive gains from doing that?
What could I be taking on that is negative with this option?
Now review all your answers - what new thoughts and emotions are you experiencing?
Good luck! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this article
Redundancy coaching can help you get clear on who you are and what you want, explore options, discover options that you may not have thought of yet, overcome any challenges you might face, create a plan of action and support you in implementing that plan.
Contact me to find out how I can help